
Jay Emmay

Some more artworks below or go back to the previous gallary (here) or brashly head on to the next.




Don't look for some sophisticated order or pattern to which picture goes where. It's all pretty arbitrary.


Art: Gallery


If you have a haunting sense of familiarity, it is a blow up of another picture.


Painted long before the films of the same name. The foreground is cut from a painting with the background added in paintshop.


I woke up in the middle of the night, got up, painted this, went back to bed. I have no idea why to this day.


But would it smell as sweet?

Abstract Silver Orange

Just pretty.

Hero with 1000 faces

More figurative...


This began as an abstract, then when I saw the bird I added some detail to the head.

Blue Geometric

Again more abstract, the lines are made with the side of a hot iron.


It looks to me like a meteor crashing to earth. I wish I knew how I got that effect.

Artwork available for non-commercial use (if you ask nicely), or commercial use for a modest fee. I do accept commisions. Use the contact form if you are interested.



© Jay Emmay 2015